Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Starfish Stomach

The stomach of my starfish. All the yellowish goo toward the middle of it and out by the legs is its stomach. It is eating the algae on the glass. I let the algae grow all over the front of the glass hoping for such a photo opportunity.


A couple of pictures of the back yard over the weekend.

New Parents

The proud new parents. Daddy on the right, Mamma on the left. He is staring me down. Ready to kick ass if necessary. He knows I'm about to steal the eggs.

A better picture of the eggs. Probably around 600 there.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

New Creature

Here's my new starfish. I love it when people buy things they shouldn't. Rumor has it they were told by another pet store that this guy was reef safe. Yeah, I think not. So I got him super cheap. :) He's a hungry fella. He ate half a sand eel in about two hours. (That's quick for a starfish!)

Crab News

My crab shed his exoskeleton the other day. I got some pictures of it 'cause I think it's kinda neat. He's quite a bit larger after the shed although this picture doesn't show it very well. I really had to look to find the hole in the shed. He did a great job crawling out of there and leaving it whole.