Friday, April 22, 2005

The Fish

I recently acquired a new fish. It is a red headed jawfish. He spends most of his day in this hole patiently waiting for a morsel of food to flow by. That is the only time he comes out of his burrow. He built the burrow during the first 12 hours of being introduced to his new home. He moved sand and rocks until he was satisfied. The surrounding aquascaping was done by him as well. It is amazing to watch a fish that size - 4 inches long - move a rock almost as big as he. When threatened, he opens his mouth really big to scare off potential predators. (Hence the name jawfish) His mouth opens to the size of a quarter when provoked.

Red Headed Jawfish Posted by Hello

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Spring has sprung

Here we are in the middle of Spring in wonderful Indiana. ;) That, of course, equals thousands of bugs. My personal favorites are the ones with large harpoons attached to their butts. Geez, Louise, could you keep that thing to yourself? I don't think my walking across the yard was reason enough to do that. OUCH!

Now, I am forced to retaliate. Out comes the bug killing granules and the hose to water it all in. One and a half hours later, I have secured the house and the surrounding area. I have cleaned all webs, cocoons, nests, and mystery bug items from the side of the house. I have hosed down all the areas where a creepy crawly might be. I have spread the bug-killing granules and put the appropriate amount of water on them. I am hot and sweaty but I am bug free. *sigh*

Time to relax on the porch for a moment. Drinking some coffee and enjoying a cigarette...


Friday, April 15, 2005

Book Meme

That Book Meme

You're stuck inside Farenheit 451, which book do you want to be?

(By the way, this means which book would I want to be in someone's memory, not which book do I want to be burning in the bowels of a roaring fire.)

The Lovely Bones... because it moved me.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character? Nope

The last book you bought is: The Curious Incident with the Dog in the Nighttime

The last book you read: Life Expectancy - Dean Koontz

What are you currently reading? Lucky - Alice Sebold, Blood and Gold - Anne Rice, The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells, The Marine Aquariums Invertebrate Guide - Scott Michael

Five books you would take to a deserted island:

The War of the Worlds
The Lovely Bones
A mango, coconut, banana cookbook :)
Complete Book of Tales and Poems of Edgar Allen Poe
Grimm's Fairy Tales

End of meme.