Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Spring has sprung

Here we are in the middle of Spring in wonderful Indiana. ;) That, of course, equals thousands of bugs. My personal favorites are the ones with large harpoons attached to their butts. Geez, Louise, could you keep that thing to yourself? I don't think my walking across the yard was reason enough to do that. OUCH!

Now, I am forced to retaliate. Out comes the bug killing granules and the hose to water it all in. One and a half hours later, I have secured the house and the surrounding area. I have cleaned all webs, cocoons, nests, and mystery bug items from the side of the house. I have hosed down all the areas where a creepy crawly might be. I have spread the bug-killing granules and put the appropriate amount of water on them. I am hot and sweaty but I am bug free. *sigh*

Time to relax on the porch for a moment. Drinking some coffee and enjoying a cigarette...


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