I drink coffee every morning before speaking to anyone.
I take off my shoes the second I get into the house.
I collect dolphins.
I have many saltwater aquariums.
My bad quirks:
I have NO patience for idiots.
Some of the nicest people grind my nerves.
I throw up when stressed or nervous.
Heights freak me out.
My food quirks:
I can't get through the day without

I eat all of one item before moving to the next. Typically, the least favorite item to the most favored. :)
I never eat "brothy" soup without crackers.
I hate tomatoes, but love tomato soup.
I don't like most beef, pork, or chicken.
Beets are not for me.
My sleep quirks:
I can't sleep unless I read for awhile.
I will sleep for nine days unless I set the alarm clock.
I can drink coffee one minute before going to sleep.
I must have a completely dark room to sleep well.
I must have something in the room making noise to drowned out all the other noises.
The cats have parties on my bed and it doesn't wake me.
Quirky people I tag (who haven't already been tagged):
Allison Quirk (this was meant for you!)
Leisa (Get a Blog!)
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