Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Precious Grandchild

I recently took a picture of Ace with me to work
to give to my sister. That'd be Great Aunt Laurie.
It was Ace dressed in a cute Tigger outfit. I
would love to post it here but Blogger still isn't
allowing that. Anyway.... Someone asked me who
it was in the picture. I said it was my grandson.
Then, it hit me like a smack in the face. That WAS
my grandchild. MY grandchild. Hee hee.
I'm still smiling.

My Precious Grandchild

Small and sweet with eyes that shine

Blessed be this precious gift of mine

Ten tiny fingers, Ten such tiny toes

You shall never know a life of woes

Your life I will hold as I do my own

A new life you have given though too small to comprehend

Scars from the past you have accomplished to mend

Smiles with hope to be carried on shoulders so small and fragile

Never to worry, for I will carry them for you my Precious Grandchild.

1 comment:

Stacey said...


NOW can he call you Grandma?? LOL