Friday, March 23, 2007

Blue toes and more

Another darned sting....I really must stay
away from these things....nah.

A Stow-away...he's pretty darn big.

Best Guess: Marine Scale Worm (Bobbit)

Before I irritated it




After....I think it wanted to bite me!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007


Hermits in Whelk shells

Mom holding a cannonball jelly. It looks as
though she is squeezing it, but she is not. :)
She told me to hurry up and take the picture
because she could feel it "pulse". lol



Big Hermit

'Nother big hermit

I'm running out of ideas for these titles

More washed-up Jellies



Colony of Tunicates

Monday, March 12, 2007

A 50,000-strong swarm of spider crabs (Leptomithrax gaimardii) mate on the seabed of Melbourne's Port Phillip Bay, 25 May 2005, at the start of their breeding season. Scientists are baffled by the size of the enormous gathering which is scaring away all other sealife from the area in the four-metre-deep water near an undisclosed beach. (I may freak out if I see this happen here) :)

It's a Quiz

Shame-faced Crab (Cool claws)

Odd little crab

What do you suppose he is?

See the whip-like tail? Hmm.

A shitload of washed up jellies.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

This is Nifty!

A huge decorator crab

Same crab

Spider crab

The smallest Shameface Crab I have seen

Shameface crab's underside

Thursday, March 08, 2007


My Dearest Ace,

I am sorry to inform you that your mother - my daughter - has become delusional early on in her life. We all knew it would happen, just not so soon. Somehow she has forgotten what a nutty driver her father was. (Sorry, John, but you are) I remember him speeding up just so the other car couldn't pass. I also remember him flying down the mountain just to give me a stroke. Oh, and may I mention him hopping out of the car to wallop someone who had caused him a bit of road rage? So you see, Ace, I was the good driver in the family. The kindly driver that may have offered a friendly wave every now and again. Do not believe these vicious rumors that have been brought forth.

P.S. No matter what nonsense she tells you, she had not done any of these things simply because she was still a pup when I met her. Ask her about the Big Johnson shirt she wanted. Humpf.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Spring Break is here


Saturday, March 03, 2007


This guy was quite entertaining for me. He
swam a lot on the surface - which is how I found him -
until I got into the water to take his picture. Then
he kept trying to swim onto my foot. Why, I'll never
know but I didn't much like it. It was around a foot
long and four inches wide when it's "wings" were
closed. Very cool, indeed. I also got some video of
him swimming about the place. Come see me and
I'll show it to you. :)

Freaking HUGE

This thing was big. It's bell was the size of a
basketball. Wow. Glad I saw him before he
saw me.


Neat formations in the sand


Cannonball Jellyfish

Crappy picture :)

Cannonball Jellyfish

Little Gems

As requested, I am posting some of the things
that I kept. Of course, I keep the cool crabs. The
anemones on him shoot out neon orange goo
when riled. I try to leave them alone. :)

Neat little jellyfish

Same little Jelly

My crab
