Friday, June 03, 2005

Sport? I Think Not.

I recently acquired a copy of Outdoor Life. (Long story) Anyway, I was reading some of the articles in the magazine and kind of had a chuckle. They speak of "conquering your prey" and "becoming invisible" and "hunting animals with a rifle is a challenge". Now, I'm thinking, if you want to make it a real challenge, give the animals a few rifles. Or have a Red team and a Blue team out there. Now we're talking sport folks! Sorry to all you avid hunters out there, but I can't see shooting animals as a sport. Let's check with Webster. Sport (n) a particular game or physical activity with set rules. Hmm...not really a game. Decidedly not physical. You're sitting in a tree for hours at a time. Rules to play? None. Shoot what comes out of the bushes. Nope, I don't see the "sport" here.


Stacey said...

Gosh, woman, would you archive?


Vicki said...

If only it were that easy. (smart ass)