Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Crazy Children

Well, today we received our first round of Christmas cards. I must say, one stands above the rest. I open the envelope to see a picture of one of my children and my son-in-law. Now, here's the interesting part. She has on antlers and a red nose and is holding a rope. The rope is attached to a John "Deere" riding mower that is decorated festivally with a red bow and a wreath. Sitting on the mower is her husband in a santa hat. It appears as if she is toting him across the lawn. It is times like these that I have to remind my husband that this child is clearly of his loins. :) It is always possible that the egg nog was brought out a bit early but my guess is that they are just goofy. Like her papa! ha ha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goofy is good :) Mums