Wednesday, June 08, 2005

How Logical Are You?

You Are Incredibly Logical

(You got 88% of the questions right)

Move over Spock - you're the new master of logic

You think rationally, clearly, and quickly.

A seasoned problem solver, your mind is like a computer!

Wish I knew which ones were wrong. ;)


Unknown said...

I missed the last question, about lions and tigers. I think the answer in the test is wrong. If you say "Some lions are not tigers", then doesn't it stand to reason that the rest of the lions are tigers? :)

Vicki said...

I don't think so. If "some lions are not orange" that doesn't mean that the rest of the lions are orange. They could be blue, too. :)

Unknown said...

But wouldn't the blue lions be part of the "not orange" group? Maybe I missed a class in logic, but if you say that some subset of a group is "X", then doesn't it imply that the rest of the group is "NOT X"?

Vicki said...

Well, Drew, it's made my head hurt thinking about this but the conclusion I have come to is that you are right. If you say that some subset of a group is "x", then it has to stand to reason that the rest of the group is "not x". Shew! I glad we worked that out. :)