Thursday, October 20, 2005


Countdown Meme
TEN Random Things About Me

10. I love my family.
9. I like to watch the trees turn color in the fall.
8.I own creatures that could tear off a finger.
7. I love coffee.
6. I like watching thunderstorms. The stronger the better.
5. I always paint my toenails but rarely my fingernails.
4. I'm very tall.
3. I love the ocean.
2. I wear three toe rings
1. I like Alternative Rock.

NINE Ways To Win My Heart:

9. Be truthful.
8. Make me laugh.
7. Show your family respect and love.
6. Adore animals.
5. Treat people nicely.
4. Appreciate me.
3. Be faithful.
2. Be thoughtful.
1. Show my family respect.

EIGHT things I want to do before I die:

8. Visit The Keys with Leisa.
7. Be happy.
6. See Stacey's babies grow up and drive her crazy. :) (Can you believe I want to see this?) Babies, I mean.
5. Learn to be more patient.
4. Make sure everyone I love knows it.
3. Quit smoking.
2. Vacation on a cool island all by myself.
1. Swim with the sharks in Australia.

SEVEN ways to annoy me:

7. Lack the ability to merge with the flow of traffic!
6. Gripe all the time.
5. Be mean to people or animals.
4. Let your hooligan children run amok.
3. Shorts and knee socks. Why?
2. Think YOU are better than ME.
1. Mow your lawn while I'm sleeping.

SIX things I believe in:

6. The ability to change your path.
5. Coffee as a breakfast food.
4. The importance of being on time.
3. TV does not shape a child; parenting does.
2. My family.
1. M & M's

FIVE things I'm afraid of:

5. Heights
4. Spider bites (ouch)
3. Falling down and actually hurting myself.
2. Losing the people I love.
1. Liver and beets. (Eww)

FOUR favorite items in my room:

4. Aquarium
3. my quilt
2. pictures
1. dolphin light

THREE things I do everyday:

3. drink coffee
2. feed coral and fish
1. pet my animals

TWO things I want to do right now:

2. Drink more coffee.
1. Go outside.

ONE person I want to see right now:

1. Ed!!!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

ED!!! HAHAHAHAHAhahahaha!!!