Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Shrimp Incident

I am usually griping about the ignorance of the general public. This will be no exception, so if you are tired of my whining about it, stop reading now. A fruitcake diguised as a woman came in to the store today. After wandering the store for a few minutes, she had a question for me. This is not unusual. Most people do have questions after seeing all the odd critters in the store. I am accustomed to answering a lot of questions. However, the majority aren't this idiotic. I do get sideswiped occassionly. After all, I am close to Kentucky. :) Back to the story...

Fruitcake: Can I ask you a question?
Me: Sure
Fruitcake: Are these things really called peppermint shrimp?
Me: Yes
Fruitcake: Are they called that because they taste like peppermint?
Me: I've never tasted one, but I don't think so.

[Co-worker exits stage left]

Fruitcake: Why else would they be called that?
Me: Maybe because they are red and white striped?
Fruitcake: OOoohhhhh

Are you freakin' serious? Because they taste like peppermint? Jeez Louise. Sheesh. Holy crap! These are the times I question my decision to work with the general public. I still can't believe it. A shrimp. That tastes like peppermint. Seriously? ppfffffttt.


Stacey said...

I don't believe I'd eat a shrimp that tastes like peppermint.

Or a peppermint that tastes like shrimp.

Either way. JEEZ.

Vicki said...

Exactly. Either way, wake up and smell the peppermint. :)

Unknown said...

So what does she think chocolate labs taste like?

Vicki said...

LOL...I'm not asking her. ;)