Monday, October 17, 2005

Ten Things Meme (I've been tagged)

Ten Things I've Done
That You Probably Haven't

10. Swam with dolphins.
9. Taken pictures of lightning that got published.
8. Got stuck in a "flock" of 100+ jellyfish. (got a picture too)
7. Grabbed a large horseshoe crab out of the ocean.
6. Spent my 21st birthday in Atlantic City.
5. Walked down the side of a mountain after dark.
4. Been stung by an anemone.
3. Been bit by an eel.
2. Looked off the Golden Gate Bridge at sunset.
1. Busted my ass on a sidewalk in Mexico.

1 comment:

Stacey said...

1. Busted my ass on a sidewalk in Mexico

And Newburgh, and Boonville, and probably somewhere in Evansville... heck, all over Indiana, ya clutz. Love you! :X